Three PLM-solutions for the automotive industry.

UNIQUECO PLM solutions may at any time in the day-to-day operation in order to be advanced with additional modules and new features or functionality. UNIQUECO's solution are compatible with Windows and OS-X, exporting data as PDF, XLS, DOC, XML, PPT and printing on label printer even the barcodes for components. There is a extensive list of modules available for reports and daily work that can be added to a personal solution for your project or company.


PTV: Comprehensive Task-Management and Project Steering.

The UNIQUECO PTV Software is the most complete solution for steering of company structures during OEM and TIER-1/N projects. All versions specifically adapted to the requirements of a manufacturer or supplier. PTV is running on internet-based hosting solutions, servers, or as independent Kiosk-Software, and its worldwide available via browser or software clients (Windows, OSX, iOS).

UNIQUECO PTV is monitoring the complete project workflow and allows an alltime overview of the business. Changes and extensions can be done at any time "online" during ongoing operation. PTV so fits your workflow at any time. Integrated modules for reports, MoM, task-oriented costs are able to track even the smallest event on a project from nomination until start of serial production. There are many add-on modules like:

  • change management
  • export module for Microsoft Project
  • webinterfaces for external access


PLM+: The complete solution starting with the first product idea until EOP.

UNIQUECO's PLM+ is more than only a integrated product configurator or virtual BOM. Store and collect all informations about components and assemblies in one database. Manage milestones and timeline reporting; track tools and rigs; manage your pre-serial production right up to the delivery note, record screw values ​​and quality documents, print labels with data matrix codes for warehouse management. The possibilities are almost unlimited.

PLM + is the comprehensive solution to enable a real vertical flow of data in the project. The user and access control allows the secure distribution of information to your team. Extensive reporting modules allow the automated output of schedules, surveys and lists in the most common office formats. Your toolmaker can use external web interfaces to report the progress of the tool creation.

Using the integrated milestone module, schedules per component or per assembly can be generated automatically. So you keep an eye on all important milestones and dates. In the later project run, modules are available for the tracking of changes and the control of parts to be discontinued.


UPSA: The complete control software for small series manufacturers.

The UPSA software consists of the project control modules of PTV and PLM +. In addition, further modules for production control are integrated: from COP to the printiong process of the COC after completion of the vehicle in production, all important functions are included.

UPSA always gives you always a transparent status of the production status of a vehicle. Access stock of the required components, check the production data, which are automatically managed in the database. Scan barcodes in production to access the relevant information. Manage all quality processes, recorded production data. With UPSA, you can always have automated reporting at your fingertips to effectively intervene and control.

Store all UPSA data in a cloud-based system. So for example, multiple locations across the globe can be monitored and fully controlled. UPSA is the consistent development of the existing UNIQUECO's PLM systems. All modules can be adapted to customer requirements. New surfaces or functions can be easily added during operation. No other solution on the market offers this high flexibility. UPSA communicates directly with SAP, TeamCenter, or other existing systems.

Comprehensive. Proven. Open Source. Modular.

The integrated UNIQUECO solutions for project and production steering.

Easy to create and adapt interfaces - even during operation.

All solutions are based on proven and proven modules. These modules and functions can be accessed via easy-to-configure interfaces. With this integrated interface tool, the modules can always be adapted to the needs of a project or customer. Access to the PLM solution can be via desktop computers or mobile devices. All content can be automatically made available via barrier-free websites.

At the push of a button, immediate reporting in your hands.

All data in the UNIQUECO PLM systems can be converted into meaningful reports at the push of a button. Special export modules allow the output of formatted XLS files or data formats for further processing in existing systems. This gives you more time for the effective control of the project. Our systems calculate, cumulate, create previews and forecasts to provide you with transparency at any time.

The basis for all UNIQUECO solutions is FileMaker - the leading database solution from Apple.

Millions of people in organizations around the world rely on the FileMaker Platform to share customer information, manage projects, track assets, and more. That is why UNIQUECO is using the technologies of FileMaker for its PLM solutions. Build on a secure platform that works across the system. Integrate UNIQUECO PLM solutions into your existing system environment or use the tools as stand-alone versions.

Request your free UNIQUECO PLM presentation.

We will be pleased to perform a demonstration of the Software at a meeting in your office. Please make an appointment via our contact form below:

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