Don't reinvent the wheel, just realign it.
Anthony J. D'Angelo

MPEV - Modular platform for Electric vehicles.
Scalable powertrains and gearbox solutions.
We communicate and work with self-developed PLM- and CRM systems quickly and effectively. A "vertical information flow" and the exact and proper information of the customer is therefore always guaranteed. Already during the first scribble of the vehicle or of the project we are thinking of solutions and the finished product. We know where the border with regard to the budget must be considered; where new developments are necessary, where we use existing parts. With us you have a partner with full responsibility and experience on the complete vehicle.
MPEV integration in existing BIW or vehicles.
We at UNIQUECO understand the global supply chain as a large department store, from which you can take all available parts for automotive projects. The old saying: "You must not reinvent the wheel" has a special importance in that: Outsourcing at any price is not asked, rather the intelligent design of automotive projects and the selective retrieval of suppliers.
Parts without hassle.
But what supplier i can trust, what is the quality; the supplier has experience in the production at all for my required part or assembly? UNIQUECO has a complete different approach: we take over existing and proven parts from major OEM's and integrate them in new vehicles and projects. We have over 15 years experience - wheather it's only one component or a complete drivetrain assembly. UNIQUECO advises you competently.
Proven technical specifications
All parts are already developed and industrialized. There is no ramp-up phase or other usual project phases. 3D data is available and the construction can start right away. What we can do:
- We will help with the first feasibility studies
- Prepare the first design mock up's
- Construct missing joining parts to connect the OEM components with your construction
- Cross-check the technical characteristics of the part in the new assembly
- Hand-over a turnkey solution
Existing supply chain and logistics
No matter where on the planet your project is located: the parts, infrastructure and supply chain are already there. Trust the know-how and the routine of two of the leading OEM's to benefit with a stable supply-chain. Turn off any TIER-N management at your company and simply order and use existing parts and assemblies.
High product quality right from the start.
The sampling process up to PPAP and final Q-Gate is not speeding you down on the realization of the project. We have have news and extensive knowledge of all product specifications and quality aspects as well as from the analysis of all sub-suppliers. We have the full quality history of every component; this is valuable knowledge and expertise for your project.